

surprising google results

(( cf ))

  3/17/07 10:16 pm


pretty sure that google doesn’t parse these non-alphanumeric characters. however, i’ve always considered it a striking ascii rendering of goatse.cx

- kevin — 3/19/07 @ 12:42 pm

yessss, nasty nets just got its first goatse reference!!! finally

- guthrie — 3/19/07 @ 4:04 pm

ascii goatse OMG

more shocking than the original?

- robert — 3/19/07 @ 5:57 pm

Google doesn’t index punctuation characters.

- binky — 3/20/07 @ 1:01 am

exactly! funny! i’m sure this has bigger ramifications…

- marisa — 3/20/07 @ 6:09 am

Strangely, google suggest doesn’t work with this query but it will work with all kinds of characters including: •¶¢¬ etc. Most of the suggestions look like broken unicode pages.

- JW — 3/21/07 @ 4:03 pm

\/\/ |-| @ +
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5 @ `/ ! |\| (_,
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\/\/ 3
( 0 |_| |_ |)
|) 0
5 + |_| |= |=
|_ ! |

- rory — 3/23/07 @ 1:14 pm

hey my message got cut off.
anyway, on a related note, this does return results:
so go figure.

- rory — 3/23/07 @ 1:17 pm

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