
golden triangle

In AD 1994, it looked as if the personal computer industry was firmly locked in the grip of Intel, IBM and Microsoft, often referred to as “The Golden Triangle” at the time. There was always the danger that diversifying players wouldn’t stand a chance against the enormous momentum of that industrial trinity. This video was Remyls comment, as found on their 1994 video “A Live Computer Performance” -remyl

  6/7/07 12:34 pm



- JW — 6/7/07 @ 2:48 pm


- charles — 6/7/07 @ 3:50 pm

Cool (I love the song) but what was it made on?

- Keith — 6/8/07 @ 11:31 am

hmmmm…. well it looks like the video was made with lightwave on an amiga. So i assume the music was made with an amiga too? That would be a computer in 1994 that could do these things that wasn’t a member of the “golden triangle” just a guess though.

- jmb — 6/8/07 @ 1:07 pm

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