
Bugs trapped inside screens playlist

I found 16 different people posting videos of insects stuck inside of their computer screens (not on them.) I can’t believe there were so many of these — I guess if it happened to me, it’d be exciting enough to get out my camera ?? I dunno. Well, I imagine these people sitting there, staring at their screens all day long, doing Myspace or whatever, and then suddenly some little dude walks right on top of whatever they’re looking at! I’m really into the relationship of the cursor, the bug, and the peoples’ index fingers as they poke at their screens to no avail :-)

(And the Google one reminds me of JMB’s awesome recent Lord of the flies page)

(See also: spiders chasing cursors)

  10/19/06 11:23 am

keyboard kid

  10/18/06 10:12 am

sped up bob dylan karaoke file

(.kar karaoke files are .midi files with text lyrics embedded into them….!!)

  10/17/06 1:24 am

3d architectural renderings w/ chilin clip art people

I really like it when architects put people into their 3d renderings of buildings, like some prophetic vision of what the future will be like, virtual people just hanging out in the planned building. I especially like it when they post these images in front of the actual construction sites. For the most part the people are just photographic 2d clipart plopped onto less-than-photo-real 3d renderings, which is why they look so awesome. (I’ll throw a couple more I’ve found into the secret stash…)

  10/6/06 1:03 am


I ran into this awesome looking thumbnail on YouTube or Yahoo video search… looks like their automated system chose a frame right in the middle of a transition or something

  10/5/06 11:58 pm

Watching other people surf

Hey, everyone.. so recently I’m really into YouTube, & been doing some intense searching. I’m collecting videos of other people surfing the Internet, which I find to be strangely compelling. Actually, they’re all pretty boring and you’ll definitely be skipping around a lot if you watch them – recording yourself surfing the internet is always pretty damn pointless – yet some of them are eerily personal, their quietness… (?) I like the “over the shoulder” viewpoint. (BTW, I’d like to whine that rearranging the order of a YouTube playlist is really, really cumbersome..)

I’ve also been searching for some good video game video captures (like people playing Warcraft, etc.), but haven’t really found what I’d hoped would be out there. I really want to see just normal unedited stuff, with the original sound, and the players talking to eachother (kind of like the Leeeroy Jenkins video, but more mundane… everything I find is just dumb music videos and stuff like that..) (Any of you seen what I’m looking for?) Actually I did find this, which is really strange looking, using some kind of 3d face controls to make characters sing…

  10/3/06 7:07 pm

modified flash ad

  9/12/06 1:22 pm

Well, excuuuuse me, princess

kittycatstar on YouTube:

Don’t ask, I just decided to combine Link’s infamous catchphrase from the 1989 Zelda American cartoon (NOT anime) into one clip. Although I was surprised how often he says it and there’s only 13 episodes in total!

Wow, Link was such a snotty little asshole in this show! I love all the different situations he’s in when he says it – my favorite is when he’s tied up by snakes. & the one where he’s invisible… via, link

  9/8/06 2:37 pm

Club Chalupa

eating w/ the ghost of the colonel…

  9/3/06 11:26 am

biz gif lecture

Just started noticing these demonstration gifs on shopping websites
i’m throwing some more in the secret stash

  8/31/06 4:53 pm

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