
welcome to my first post

This video from Belarus is not new, but I’m sure this guy is still there and still dancing.

  2/20/07 5:14 am


This is why I wish there were internet sites that ended in .lol

- Jed — 2/20/07 @ 10:37 am

The “dance machine.”
Hi, Olia!

- tom moody — 2/20/07 @ 10:38 am




- petra — 2/20/07 @ 12:07 pm

he’s really working some things out

- JWW — 2/20/07 @ 12:19 pm

yay!!!!! welcome, olia!

- marisa — 2/20/07 @ 1:11 pm

OLIA! so glad you are here!
thanks for the vid….

- Peter — 2/20/07 @ 4:34 pm

[...] So I’ve been doing some YouTube video remixes as sketches for this Turbulence project I have coming up. And i did this ‘Misk 606′ piece this morning, as a response to Olia’s post over at NastyNets. [...]

- TouchExplode » Blog Archive » Minsk 606 — 2/20/07 @ 5:02 pm

um, okay, sorry, so youtube embeds don’t work here,, jus checking

here’s the link to the reeeemmix anyway

Minsk 606

and extra deets

- Rick — 2/20/07 @ 5:08 pm

His dancing improves when you hear your mix. Maybe that’s what was in his head…

- tom moody — 2/20/07 @ 6:25 pm

welcome to nasty nets olia!

- jmb — 2/20/07 @ 7:14 pm

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