
nudge them


  9/27/07 3:27 pm

Save the Earth

Hey guys lets get creative and help the earth get a good publicist!!! It will only take u a 15 second ecospot for youtube and then u will be saving the earth too!!! There are even 4 posts in the save the earth forum!!! check it out!!!

  9/27/07 11:54 am

breaking: old news

  9/27/07 7:22 am

pt. I

  9/26/07 2:32 pm

(Apparitions) 13 Points by Tracy McGrady and Carter Dunks

  9/26/07 11:36 am

It’s a GIF!

Dragan’s just finished a new animated GIF: grib.gif. It has 18 frames and 128 colors, looks perfect on all backgrounds and was our salt cellar. We wish it a good luck on finding new friends and pages.

To quote its creator: “Go, little grib. It seems to me like yesterday you were still an AVI file of several megabytes. Now, when you have grown so small, you are ready to explore your world.”


  9/25/07 5:04 am

7 Random Facts About Me:

1. My favorite animal is a bat.

2. My finger and toe nails are currently painted translucent!

3. I was born at 3:?? am on February 9 (2/9). Kinda cool I think.

4. I am allergic to dust, dog, cat, and horse hair.

5. My room is white.

6.My two favorite stores are Smoothie King and Earth Fare.

7. I have won 0 sports trophies.

  9/24/07 10:19 pm


Whats with the caps dude?

check this out

real time vocabulary battles


  9/24/07 6:14 pm

“You are over-encumbered.”

i am over-encumbered and i cant move please help reply soon

when the first number gets bigger than the second number you are over-encumbered and must drop things, or drink a strength increasing potion to move

Can you ride your horse when overencumbered?

Correct, you can’t mount the horse while you’re over-encumbered

the horse isn’t over-encumbered, just you

The regular plugin has an encumbrance limit that is 2 times the health of a horse.

I have tried for quite a while and unless there’s a body or a chest/box/drum/etc. within reach u cannot un-encumber yourself which means you are now stuck, you cannot walk because your too heavy to even move and u cant get rid of everything. now I’m gonna get flamed for this but I tried and I CANNOT find a way to throw away something I just can’t.

I have 535 Encumberance, and only use around 300 of it as it is

it doesnt matter if you become over-encumbered, you wont have to move.

  9/24/07 2:53 pm

my fantasy tom moody live set

  9/24/07 4:55 am

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