

  9/20/07 3:07 pm


- seecoy — 9/20/07 @ 5:50 pm

before I even plugged in my headphones, I somehow knew this would be that, I’m not kidding

- Travis — 9/20/07 @ 6:58 pm

yeah…. so obvious, huh?

- seecoy — 9/20/07 @ 8:08 pm

oh I meant less like that and more like an special feeling

- Travis — 9/20/07 @ 8:12 pm


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- seecoy — 9/20/07 @ 9:42 pm

ps this is from a personal page on The Well

- Travis — 9/20/07 @ 10:52 pm

i made this same exact video when i was 13

- borna — 9/21/07 @ 10:40 pm

i made this exact video 10 minutes after seeing travis post it, it was a lot of fun d:-D

- guthrie — 9/21/07 @ 10:57 pm

well, let’s see how many we can all post!

- Travis — 9/22/07 @ 12:11 am

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