
Next Generation

NEWS FLASH: This morning marked the launch of Sony’s new PS3 gaming system, and with it a bunch of toal craziness (all links via Kotaku).

PS3 Line Robbery Results in Shooting

Two gunmen robbed a line of people waiting to buy the Playstation 3 outside a Wal-Mart store in Putnam, Conneticut early Friday morning, shooting one man for resisting, police there said.

Best Buy Smash N’ Grab

A white guy in a red cap pokes his head up, sees Dave coming for him, and runs towards a waiting vehicle which then peels off, exposing a conveniently taped over license plate. Dave is left standing amidst the shattered glass of his car window.

The Great PS3 Robbery

An Elk Grove Gamestop store was robbed at gunpoint this morning, the two gunmen making off with four PS3s and four 360s.

PS Fight Shuts Down Wal-Mart

According to a television station, a group of PS3 line-waiters got angry when they were told they could no longer wait inside a Wal-Mart for the PS3 and would have to go outside instead. The group ran through the store knocking everyone and everything in their path over.

(OK – back to YouTube hunting ……)

  11/17/06 10:08 am


none of this bullshit with the Wii. Nintendo!

- paul — 11/17/06 @ 11:48 am

i guess this means someone should make a video game where you jack other peoples’ PS3s

- guthrie — 11/17/06 @ 2:21 pm

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