
  5/12/07 10:24 am


- pupsintrouble — 5/12/07 @ 4:31 pm

I wish this was a really slick Dr. Pepper ad.

- joel — 5/13/07 @ 6:12 pm

dude has a lot of girlfriends.
I like that javier got this from paul’s directory.

- tom moody — 5/15/07 @ 10:03 am

actually i found it doing some sort of image search for “alien sperm” or alien something like that. i think it was on the matrixsynth web site.

- javier — 5/15/07 @ 11:21 am

all roads lead to that nude guy with the synth

- tom moody — 5/15/07 @ 4:20 pm

seriously. just what the dr ordered….

- marisa — 5/18/07 @ 12:27 pm

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