Above is a screen shot from my favorite flash ad ever (though modified for a printout i did.. there should be words and stuff all over the deer.) Now I can’t find the original .SWF file (flash animation)!! — has anyone seen this wienermoose recently? adverlicio.us has a great collection of other ones but not this guy. Help!
See also this long wolf one. I love the pointless stretching out of the animals to fit the default banner widths, so painful…
— guthrie 1/17/07 8:37 pm
Joel, pupsintrouble, myself (and others) converged on the west coast tonight to watch Hackers, and nearly The Net (both from 1995, 12 years old). Now I’m starting work on a screenplay for a sequel to Hackers where the members of The Nasty Nets Hacking Club post youtubes on eachothers blogs and have in-depth conversations about YTMND. One thing I had forgotten about the movie (I saw it in the theater when I was…11) was all the zany unrealistic crap going on with everyones old school computers — ridiculous 3D graphical interfaces, etc. Also: rollerblades? (Apparently the entire movie is on YouTube here)
— guthrie 1/8/07 2:09 am
Please post some more in the comments, I know I forgot some!!
— guthrie 1/4/07 11:18 pm
Getty Images’ keywords: stage Middle Finger performance hip-hop rap hip hop rapper concert Shades Tee Shirt, One Person, Sunglasses, Performing, Shorts, gesturing, concert hall, Full Length
— guthrie 12/31/06 2:08 pm
A while ago on my blog I posted about a super nerdy dream I had:
When you open up Adobe Photoshop, a little splash screen appears with a list of all the programmers’ names, and I always have noticed the name “Seetharaman Narayanan” because it looks super long and incredibly difficult to pronounce. I have no idea who this dude is, but last night I had a dream where I met him and we walked around.
Well, apparently others share my fascination with this guy and his awesome name — both Britta and Jeff have brought to my attention this interview with Seetharaman, which even mentions an online Seetha fanclub! (Photoshop just takes so damn long to open that we end up staring at those splash screens for a long, long time..) The picture of him isn’t exactly what he looked like in my dream, he was younger and moustache-less :-)
OK, OK… Finally, I just cooked up a YTMND, “Seetharaman Narayanan doesn’t change facial expressions”!!!, using Photoshop splash screens through the ages (from this neat collection.) (It’s slightly off because in earlier versions his name is shortened to Seetha…..doh)
— guthrie 12/26/06 9:48 pm
OK, not quite as subtle as Cory Arcangel’s Born To Run Glockenspiel Addendum, but here’s a Born To Run MIDI file remixed to be all-glockenspiel:
— guthrie 12/24/06 12:10 am