
free javascript!!! cool_colors() function

i wrote this function 2 do stuff like the redblueredblue nasty nets on the side bar — u can add as many colors to the function as u like and it repeats the pattern, heres da code check it out!:

<script type='text/javascript'>
function cool_colors( the_string )

     var q=0;

     for(var i=0; i<the_string.length; i++)

          document.write('<span style=\"color:'+arguments[q+1]+'\">'+the_string.charAt(i)+'</span>')

          if(the_string.charAt(i)!=' ')




cool_colors('nasty nets','red','blue')


  9/5/07 2:58 pm

basic brain tune-up

let’s get our minds in gear

  9/5/07 2:56 pm

me: its not random<br />
it all has meaning hha<br />
there are 3 or 4 seperate things<br />
1 or 2 no one would ever get<br />
arabic and like chinese for pup<br />
1 is my geek code, obviously<br />
and the last one is one im surprised no one has ever got<br />
(in html code) sup pup sup

  9/5/07 2:24 pm

finding my feet

hi everyone :)

  9/5/07 1:22 pm


I am proud to present pic-see!. Nasty Nets’s first quasi-utility. pic-see! is basically just an open image directory visualizer. You just add the opendir URL in the box, and presto all of the images in the directory are embedded on a page for easy scraping. I am sure this probably isn’t the first or only one of these things around, but whatever… it is useful for all of us hunters.
So here goes….


example link 1 (found by guthrie)
example link 2 (found by jmb)

pic-see! was thought up by me and programmed by Bob Ware and Guthrie Lonergan.

  9/5/07 12:10 pm

1 of my all time fave stock vids

  9/5/07 12:02 am

some children

  9/4/07 7:34 pm

so true

  9/3/07 6:25 pm

hillaryclinton’s fans

  9/3/07 4:03 pm

New Career Path


I’m going for it.

  9/3/07 2:55 pm

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