


(feat pipin & char)

**edit: more baths:::

quail bath dust partee
enjoying yourselfs u doodle headed freakz?

hens bath
hens are well dense

jerboa bath
wat. a. freak.

kahlua’s bath
this bath was forced..

  2/28/07 3:04 pm

Here every page has its own background and not just one

because it is a page of Angel of Music

  2/28/07 1:56 pm

hamlet’s soliloquy in 13375p34k

H@ML37: 70 b3, 0r N07 70 B3–7h@7 Iz tHe Qu357i0n:
wH37h3r ’7i$ n0bL3R in 7H3 mInD 70 5UfF3R
7H3 5lInG5 @nD @rR0W5 0F 0U7R@G30u5 fOrTuNe
Or 70 7@K3 @Rm$ @G@In$7 @ 53@ 0F 7R0UbL35
@Nd By 0pP0$iNg 3nD 7H3M. 70 dI3, 70 5L33p–
N0 MoRe–AnD bY @ 5L33p 70 5@Y w3 3Nd
7h3 hEaRtAcHe, @nD 7H3 7H0U5@nD NaTuRaL 5H0Ck5
7H@7 fLeSh Iz h3iR 70. ’7i5 @ C0N5UmM@7i0n
D3V0U7Ly 70 B3 wI5H3D. 70 di3, 70 5l33p–
70 5l33P–p3rCh@nC3 70 DrEaM: @y, 7H3R3’5 7h3 RuB,
F0R iN 7h@7 5L33p 0f d3@7h Wh@7 Dr3@M5 M@Y cOmE
wHeN w3 g07z 5HuFfL3D oFf 7Hi$ m0r7@L c0il,
Mu57 giv3 U$ P@U53. 7H3R3’5 7H3 R3$p3c7
7H@7 m@k35 cAlAmItY 0f 50 l0nG lif3.
F0r Wh0 w0uLd B3@r 7h3 whip5 @Nd 5c0rN5 0F 7iM3,
7H’ 0pPr3$50R’$ WrOnG, 7H3 PrOuD m@n’5 cOnTuMeLy
ThE p@nG5 0f D35pI53d l0v3, 7H3 L@W’5 D3L@Y,
7h3 In50L3Nc3 oF 0FfIc3, aNd 7h3 5PuRn5
7H@7 p@7i3n7 m3rI7 oF 7H’ uNw0r7hY 7@k35,
wH3N H3 HiM53lF MiGh7 hi5 qUi37U5 M@K3
Wi7h @ B@R3 B0DkIn? Wh0 w0uLd F@Rd3l5 b3@r,
70 gRuN7 @nD 5W3@7 UnD3R @ w3@Ry lIf3,
Bu7 7H@7 7h3 Dr3@D 0F 50m37HiNg aFtEr d3@7h,
7H3 UnDi$c0v3r3d C0Un7rY, Fr0m Wh053 BoUrN
nO 7r@v3lL3R r37UrN5, pUzZl35 7h3 WiLl,
@Nd M@K35 uS r@7H3R bEaR 7H053 IlL5 w3 h@v3
7H@N FlY 70 oThErS tHaT w3 kn0w n07 0f?
7Hu$ c0n$cI3Nc3 d035 m@k3 c0w@rD$ 0F U5 @Ll,
@Nd 7hU5 7h3 n@7Iv3 Hu3 0F r350lU7I0N
i5 5IcKlI3D 0’3r wI7H 7H3 P@L3 C@57 0f 7h0uGh7,
@nD 3N73rPrI53 0F gR3@7 pi7ch @Nd M0M3N7
Wi7h 7hI5 r3g@rD 7h3iR cUrR3N7$ 7UrN aWrY
aNd LoSe 7h3 NaMe 0f @c7i0n. — sOfT u n0w,
7H3 F@Ir OpHeLiA! — NyMpH, In 7hY 0rI50n5
b3 @Ll mY sInS r3m3mb3r3d.

  2/27/07 11:08 am

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y2kpin.jpg (JPEG Image, 600×450 pixels):

found in the sale bin at the Nashville tourism office …from saranrapjs

  2/26/07 5:00 pm

Awesome email from my mom

She always formats her emails with crazy colors and fonts and stuff!! (which I didn’t even realize for a while because my email reader was just plain text) I’ve also recently started talking to her on AIM, fun :)

  2/26/07 1:26 pm

movie poster making challenge

movie title = geraldo and maude

any takers?

  2/26/07 12:28 am

neck brace

  2/25/07 9:08 pm

rapture of the heart.

lasoslasos youtube channel
this is by far one of the most amazing things i have ever seen in my life.

  2/25/07 2:00 pm

only fools are enslaved by time and space (return to innocence)

collabo with Lindsay Lawson

  2/25/07 11:15 am


  2/24/07 12:32 pm

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