
Ben Coonley: So Awesome!

Valentine for Perfect Strangers [Валентинка для братьев по-разуму]

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  3/7/07 11:46 pm

tj request..

guthrie requested this one…so i’m throwing it out there for him…it’s a slow jam.

also…how amazing would it be to have a tube jockey battle????? Who needs VJs when you can have TJs (tube jockeys)?

  3/7/07 9:39 pm

2 blogs

Two sites worth looking at (if you aren’t already) are camille.pb’s research blogs, which coincide with her graduate studies in France. Blog 2 (current) / Blog 1 (closed)
She is interested in software art but also gives props to default-trolling punks.
The content of her blogs tends to the theoretical but they are nice to look at, with lo-res graphics, GIFs and ASCII art. She has posted on NN (the shaky GIF thread) and I appreciate her thoughts on the interview Paddy Johnson did with Michael Bell-Smith and me, specifically about being “irresponsible in front of the computer” (jodi’s phrase).

  3/7/07 6:04 pm


The plot thickens… youtube has recently replaced the “Arts and Animation” category with “Film and Animation”.

  3/5/07 9:46 pm


whole thread looks great

  3/5/07 4:44 am

midi me again

oh yeah, I like Tubthumping by Chumbawumba since the chorus is pretty much just one note…

  3/2/07 4:01 pm

Really good midi

revolution #9 by beatles, sounds so insane/stupid trying to imitate all the sound fx, i love it…

  3/2/07 2:26 pm

Hit By A Bus: Mean Girls, Nip/Tuck, Final Destination, Lost, Felicity

Hit By a Bus

  3/2/07 12:31 pm

finish him

insane cat mythbuster

  3/2/07 10:45 am


For some reason, lately I keep freaking myself out by thinking about how awful it would be if everything bookmarked in my delish was deleted…

I can’t remember anything anymore, now that I have it… Interestingly (?), I did pretty much stop adding new tags after about 1,000 or 1,500 bookmarks…

P.S. Check out this Scream coloring book page…

  3/1/07 2:11 pm

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