
from http://www.letrucensemble.com/nos_amis.htm

  11/2/07 1:27 pm

Props-Giving Animated Gif

Sometimes I want to make a comment on a Nasty Nets post, but I can’t think of anything to say other than “Whoa, that’s Awesome!” or “Niiiiiiiice!” or “Keep up the good work!!!!” or “Wicked good idea!!!!”

Frustrated by my inability to translate my appreciation and/or psyched-ness into words, I usually end up saying nothing at all.

In an attempt to remedy this, I’ve taken a cue from b3ta and created my own props-giving animated gif (subject to change).

Mike's Nasty Props Giving Animated Gif

  11/1/07 10:16 pm



artist unknown

  11/1/07 9:31 pm


this fucking rules:

by margaret haines & patrick dyer 2007

originally posted on mnmn

  11/1/07 5:46 pm

file maintenance

  11/1/07 5:13 pm




  11/1/07 2:40 pm

Tobi’s Timemachine

I’d like to suggest to everybody to use tobi’s time machine to make every page feel like your home page.

  11/1/07 1:14 pm


  11/1/07 10:20 am



  10/31/07 8:24 pm

club/nested marquee demo

To ride on or along (a wave)/The activity of casually looking at something
that offers numerous options/Used by analogy to describe the ease with
which an expert user can use the waves of information flowing around the
Internet to get where they want/tools such as World-Wide Web browsers
made its use simpler and more pleasant./a formal association of people with
similar interests/gather and spend time together; “They always club together”
/a number of people meeting for study, pleasure, games etc/the place where
these people meet


  10/30/07 8:51 am

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