
nasty goodiepal

for ISEA Rurh 2010 at the end of the month, i’ll be participating in a panel entitled “Press Delete – The Politics and Performance of Spamculture”. originally, the musician and performer Goodiepal was going to be a special guest on the panel, using the talks in a feedback loop to spam the conference (or something like that…). i was thrilled because a few years ago i used to always go on his awesome website to get free music and his V/Vm newsletter was smart and hilarious (he discontinued it, sadly).

now i just learned that he might not come because he is under arrest !

the background story is really good (he “stole” a broken piece of musical equipment from the academy of music where he was working, in a sort of guerilla act where he was going to repair and alter the thing and give it back).

this is the clip featuring him and his friends and the now infamous Eventide H8000 :

  8/10/10 5:14 pm

1 Comment »

I like this video a lot. It has that “rockin nerd” spirit of BEIGE and Bodenstandig 2000 productions from 10 years ago–the effects are so retro I thought for a moment it was “vintage.” For about two seconds in the early ’00s it looked like BEIGE might take this style above-ground, but then normality reasserted itself.

- tom moody — 8/12/10 @ 6:01 am

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