
network rack stonehenge

  3/30/07 3:27 pm

It’s gone again…

CASSETTE JAM ’05 has gone missing again… first it was here, then it was here… but now… ??

oh well, good thing marisa downloaded all the jpgs ;)

  3/9/07 1:40 am

Really good midi

revolution #9 by beatles, sounds so insane/stupid trying to imitate all the sound fx, i love it…

  3/2/07 2:26 pm

Awesome email from my mom

She always formats her emails with crazy colors and fonts and stuff!! (which I didn’t even realize for a while because my email reader was just plain text) I’ve also recently started talking to her on AIM, fun :)

  2/26/07 1:26 pm


An “Anti-Military public service anouncement” from awesome artist Joshua Callaghan:

Anti-drowsy-driving commercial from Sleep Center of the Southwest:

  2/16/07 1:29 pm

Cat Bus 1-4 by Anthony Leslie

My incredibly multi-talented friend Anthony Leslie just put his MS Paint cartoon series up on YouTube! …be sure to watch them all… oh my god how I love these

  2/12/07 12:16 am

Real nerds (fake nerds)

banner ad from our hosting service..

  2/8/07 1:36 pm

Creepy music played by old Macs when they crash

Here is the little tune that old Mac PowerBook 1400s (above) play when they crash

A collection of sounds from different old Macs can be found here (though this one is the creepiest!) It’s interesting how each computer’s song is slightly different in little ways…

  2/1/07 6:58 pm

2001 <<<>>> 2006

(be sure to hit “play” on both YouTubes..)

  1/29/07 2:27 am

an ode to Racks

(what the internet looks like on the outside… don’t be ashamed, y’all!)
(optional soundtrack, try to guess where its from:)

  1/19/07 12:42 am

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