
Next Generation

NEWS FLASH: This morning marked the launch of Sony’s new PS3 gaming system, and with it a bunch of toal craziness (all links via Kotaku).

PS3 Line Robbery Results in Shooting

Two gunmen robbed a line of people waiting to buy the Playstation 3 outside a Wal-Mart store in Putnam, Conneticut early Friday morning, shooting one man for resisting, police there said.

Best Buy Smash N’ Grab

A white guy in a red cap pokes his head up, sees Dave coming for him, and runs towards a waiting vehicle which then peels off, exposing a conveniently taped over license plate. Dave is left standing amidst the shattered glass of his car window.

The Great PS3 Robbery

An Elk Grove Gamestop store was robbed at gunpoint this morning, the two gunmen making off with four PS3s and four 360s.

PS Fight Shuts Down Wal-Mart

According to a television station, a group of PS3 line-waiters got angry when they were told they could no longer wait inside a Wal-Mart for the PS3 and would have to go outside instead. The group ran through the store knocking everyone and everything in their path over.

(OK – back to YouTube hunting ……)

  11/17/06 10:08 am

Captcha from Google

undies!!! From Google’s otherwise humorless automatically-generated robot stoppers (which only accidently make English words..)

  11/17/06 12:14 am

does not compute

  11/15/06 6:25 am

All of the phony names from spam emails that I have recieved this month as a rockyou textpix slideshow

Create Your Own!

  11/13/06 2:05 am

GettyImages video search: “artist looking at camera”

OK, forget YouTube, GettyImages has the wackiest videos I’ve ever seen — I’m totally hooked on stock footage. I just started to get savvy with their keywords (all their videos are meticulously categorized with marketing phrases like “Multi-Ethnic Group” or “One Woman Only”). I present my favorite search so far: “artist looking at camera.” So much fun imagining how these fit into commercials…

(…and the huge GettyImages watermark across the middle never fails to crack me up…) (here’s a vid compilation)

  11/12/06 9:03 pm

Tagged from del.icio.us

  11/12/06 5:00 pm

The best of… Cops breaking up parties

YouTube playlist. Sorry to post more boring home vids, but this is something I really wanted to see, the crowd dynamics.. Different moods in each. The mundane/peaceful ones are really wierd and awkward. (*Beware that I put in a couple that are particularly intense/hard to watch…)

  11/10/06 6:21 pm

star wars text on youtube

  11/10/06 3:52 pm


So pupsintrouble and I were talking about a nastynets sponsored ytmnd throw down…
then I made this page as a test to see if we could have one repository for all of our accounts and then I made this picture

and I was laughing the whole time.

Do you want to try something like the Contagious Media Showdown but only on ytmnd?

  11/9/06 12:36 pm

sondra prill – nasty boys

Sondra Prill “queen of the Tampa Public Access airwaves in the early 90′s” with her cover of nasty boys. YouTube user SondraPrill has a collection of 24 Sondra Prill clips with many more classic covers.

  11/8/06 3:43 pm

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