
No hotlinking please

just another thought arising from my earlier post

  11/3/07 5:22 pm

I found these files on the internet.

  11/3/07 5:06 pm

quick! name that tune!

  11/3/07 6:42 am

is it too late for halloween thingz…

“I’ve been enjoying throwing sheep at people all morning, yelling “SUPERPOKE!!!!”"

  11/3/07 5:49 am

Hooters Air

photo sightings of the Hooters plane

  11/2/07 8:57 pm

Simple Objectives

  11/2/07 4:16 pm

from http://www.letrucensemble.com/nos_amis.htm

  11/2/07 1:27 pm

Props-Giving Animated Gif

Sometimes I want to make a comment on a Nasty Nets post, but I can’t think of anything to say other than “Whoa, that’s Awesome!” or “Niiiiiiiice!” or “Keep up the good work!!!!” or “Wicked good idea!!!!”

Frustrated by my inability to translate my appreciation and/or psyched-ness into words, I usually end up saying nothing at all.

In an attempt to remedy this, I’ve taken a cue from b3ta and created my own props-giving animated gif (subject to change).

Mike's Nasty Props Giving Animated Gif

  11/1/07 10:16 pm



artist unknown

  11/1/07 9:31 pm


this fucking rules:

by margaret haines & patrick dyer 2007

originally posted on mnmn

  11/1/07 5:46 pm

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